Mm2 value list supreme. 20 ( MM2V) 22 ( Supreme) Hallow's Blade is a godly knife that was originally obtainable by purchasing it from the Mysterious Traveller for 100 Candies during the 2017 Halloween Event. Mm2 value list supreme

 20 ( MM2V) 22 ( Supreme) Hallow's Blade is a godly knife that was originally obtainable by purchasing it from the Mysterious Traveller for 100 Candies during the 2017 Halloween EventMm2 value list supreme  6

Supreme values dropped. A couple of my friends in roblox cant open there values list. It is now only obtainable through trading. Unlike most guns, the Darkbringer is not a revolver, although it looks and sounds like one. September 8, 2021 Alfin Dani Leave a comment. . It is now only obtainable through trading as the event has since ended. shop. Clockwork has a bright blue steel like blade with mini golden trapezoids on the left side of the blade. It. On the guard are four orange colored eyes of the overseer with. . Published Dec 7, 2021 Roblox Murder Mystery 2 Value List has everything including Ancients, Uniques, Vintage, Legends, Godlys, Rares, Uncommons, Commons, Pets and more. 5. com [1]. Traderie is supported by ads. MM2 Value List: Ancient. ;-;Class - Godly / Chroma Value - 28 +1-1 Stability - Stable Demand - 1 Rarity - 5 Origin - Season 1 Pet Egg Obtained - Hatching/TradingIf you got the Supreme Values Discord server removed from their server list for no reason (you didn't break any rules) after not being active for a week, you were simply just kicked due to a prune. + Added the "Receding" stability. 163 Votes in Poll. 28 ( Supreme) Eternalcane is a godly knife that was released on December 6th during the 2019 Christmas Event to promote Murder Mystery 2’s merch. All of the quillons. now they can :) #10likes #MM2Supreme Values - Your Source for MM2 Values! ++-I like four items per row the most!! ). The handle is black in color with a tape-like grip on it. Value - x1 T1 Legendary Stability - Stable Demand - 1 Rarity - 2 Origin - Xmas 2018 (Unboxed) Obtained - TradingClass - Ancient Rarity - 6 Origin - Icecrusher Evo Pack Obtained - Bought + 864K EXPHope you all enjoyed! #10likes More of this? Also srry for late update. Supreme values dropped. . 1K subscribers Subscribe 31K views 2 years ago. Box of Ultra Wrap. Godly MM2 Value List: Chroma items falls into this Godly category. Phoenix resembles a pixelated bird. Like all the other Chroma Weapons, it is. Logchopper is an ancient knife originally obtainable by purchasing the 30th tier in the Main Event for 70,000 Snow Tokens during the 2019 Christmas Event. Rarity is from a scale from 1-10, 1 being common and 10 being incredibly rare. TheLeafyMan21 · 2/25/2021. 1 Estimated Value 10 ( MM2V) 10 ( Supreme) Nebula is a godly knife that was originally obtainable by purchasing the Nebula Gamepass for 1,699 Robux. . Sadly, now the official Supreme Values site is under maintenance. I've been active on Discord for 4. 2 . Its blade is green in color with the Xbox. This is a tool that allows you to see if a specific trade is worth making. Aurora is a legendary knife that was originally obtainable by unboxing it from the Christmas Box during the 2021 Christmas Event. Its blade is shiny silver in color with a red heart imprinted on it with swirly lines engraved beneath it. To craft it, players needed a Heat and 100 Gifts . Trivia. Hope you all enjoyed! I use supreme About. TheLeafyMan21 · 2/25/2021 in General. All your items just a command away! On February 22nd, 2020 the MM2Values bot was released to the public. Supreme doesn't know values mm2 values do. Going Strong Without Bias Since 2017. It is now only obtainable through trading as the event has since ended. I now use mm2 values. It is now only obtainable through trading as the gamepass has since went offsale. Electro is a godly pet that was orignally obtainable by purchasing the Futuristic Item Pack for 899 Robux. Its yellow colored blade takes a jagged shape with black hemispheres varying in different sizes attached to it. Hallowgun is a godly gun that was originally obtainable by unboxing it from the Halloween Box during the 2020 Halloween Event. - A lot of styling changes, so many that I can't list. It is now only obtainable through trading as the gamepass has since went offsale. Rarity - 4. So mm2 godly values It is important to strive to save lives because when we display mm2 godly behavior we are giving good news to the surrounding people. Supreme and MM2Values are undoubtedly the two most popularly used MM2 value-lists. MM2 Values Scammer List. The list - is the value list that everyone uses these days that is highly trusted. While the Supreme Value Site provides the value in a list which makes it look pretty. Frostbite's handle is a black colored grip which is attached to two shiny silver guards. Value on our list represents the base value of the item. Page Contents show All MM2 value lists for 2022 MM2 Value List – Ancient Niks Scythe: Value – 145000 (Trade Only) Icebreaker: Value – 350 (2020 Xmas Tiers) Hallowschythe: Value – 150 (Trade and also Buy) Log Chopper: Value – 135 (Trade Only) Elderwood Scythe: Value – 130 (Trade Only) Batwing: Value – 80 (Trade Only) Nebula is a godly knife that was originally obtainable by purchasing the Nebula Gamepass for 1,699 Robux. Iceblaster is a godly gun that was originally obtainable by unboxing it from the Christmas Box during the 2020 Christmas Event. MM2 value list 2023 June. We strive to be your source for unbiased values!. Appearance It has a thin, yet long golden blade with a purple nebula aura around it, hence the name. Appearance Niks Scythe is the top item of this category which is worth 150000 Seers. For example, if an item is 150 value and has the "Overpaid For" stability, it gets 150+ value. This server is a Roblox server based around our website that lists the values of Murder Mystery 2 (MM2) items! | 60641 membersMM2 - Supreme Values Items are NOT valued in Seers! // Current Visits - 31,147,277 // Values Last Updated - July 20 th, 2023 - Play MM2! - - Discord Server Invite - - Roblox Group - Demand is from a scale from 1. Gloomy-Wind-1032 • 2 yr. It is now only obtainable through trading as the event has since ended. 490. Trading Server #11. This Discord server is a Roblox-oriented server based around our website (supremevaluelist. Ancient Set reduced to 6,245. It is now only obtainable through trading as the gamepass has since gone offsale. Icebreaker: Value – 150 (2020 Xmas Event) Log Chopper: Value – 110 (Trade Only) Niks Scythe: Value – 150000 (Trade Only) Elderwood Scythe: Value –. It seems to have a. The higher-ups at. 4 Million monthly. Spotted on Samsung Galaxy M62 FCC, 7,000 mAh battery tipped. We try our best to provide up-to-date values to everyone who uses our value list! Since August of 2020, we have grown farther than any of us could've ever imagined, and for that, we thank all of. 4 Million monthly users trust MM2Values! VALUES UPDATED: 07/20/2023 10:36:52pm EST: FIND US ON. MM2 Tier 1 Purchase here 100+tax. It is now only obtainable through trading as the gamepass has since gone offsale. It resembles an axe used to chop logs, hence the name. Find the best information and most relevant links on all topics related to. Godly weapons are one tier below Ancient Weapons, and one tier above Legendary Weapons. Supreme Values - Your Source for MM2 Values! A value list operated and updated by some of the top traders in Murder Mystery 2. It is now only obtainable through trading as the event has since ended. Green Fire is a legendary knife that was originally obtainable by unboxing it from the Christmas Box during the 2017 Christmas Event. Its guard with curved quillons appears to use Roblox’s Black Iron texture. Ripper is a legendary gun that was originally obtainable by unboxing it from the Halloween Box during the 2020 Halloween Event. Ghost is a vintage knife that was originally obtained from Murder Mystery 1. today i talk about something that will start an mm2 war! jk! but today i talk about which is better, mm2 or supreme values #roblox #mm2 #mm2valuesmm2 values. It is now only obtainable through trading as the gamepass has since went offsale. A value list operated and updated by some of the top traders in Murder Mystery 2. Made without bias, by the top clans in MM2, for you all. MM2 Value List – Ancient. Been going strong since 2017! Over 1. MM2 Ancient Value Tier List 2023– Ancient. Value - x1 T1 Legendary Stability - Stable Demand - 1 Rarity - 2 Origin - Xmas 2017 (Unboxed) Obtained - TradingValue - N/A Stability - N/A Demand - 0 Rarity - 0 Origin - Given to Everyone Obtained - Joining MM2here is the whole list of mm2 supreme values hope you enjoy! also im trying to hit 300 subs so PLEASE subscribe also idk why theres a ad also its BACK but d. Estimated Value. 6. We can help you to get Roblox MM2 Value List 2023. Its model derives from the limited Roblox gear Land Shark Shooter. MM2 Tier 1 By @d0ru_u Use this Pass in: Epic Racing Price 143 Type Pass Updated Jul. Its blade and handle are solid black with a few stars present, resembling the night sky. Estimated Value. It has a thin, yet long golden blade with a purple nebula aura around it, hence the name. Mm2 values has not even updated supreme updated. It is also explained on that Murder Mystery 2 site that previously MM2 Values had 15 trading servers and now there are 45 trading servers. Going down the middle of the blade are small red and green. Ancient Unique Vintage Godly. This Discord server is a Roblox-oriented server based around our website (supremevaluelist. There appears to be three gifts, varying from a red gift, a green gift, and a blue gift. It has a bone for its handle and what appears to be black tape wrapped around it, along with a skull in the center of the axe. (Supreme Value List) Type. MM2 Tier 1 Purchase here 100+tax. Estimated Value. Box of Gold Papers. Its model. NinjaCat826 · 8/5/2021. Join Akrew Pro to. Tier 3 contains Elderwood Scythe, Icebreaker, and other ancient items. Ways to Obtain: Spending 80,000 Candies after completing the 2020 Halloween Event (Formerly), Trading. To get upcoming all latest Values list of the Roblox Murder Mystery stay connected with us. It is worth 120 seers on mm2 values so technically there not dumb there just going with the value list they choose to use . If you bought the Clockwork Item Pack,. The rest of bird is a solid black with machinery parts on it. Supreme value list. The guard is made up of a brown. Welcome to MM2 Values! Your Official Murder Mystery 2 Valuelist. Icewing is an ancient knife that was originally obtainable by purchasing the Icewing Gamepass for 2,499 Robux during the 2018 Christmas Event. Made without bias, by the top clans in MM2, for you all. UNIQUES: Corrupt increased to 310, demand 8 ImJammie · 1/27/2021 in General. So, there you have it. Been going strong since 2017! Over 1. P. Been going strong since 2017! Over 1. This page will help you understand what these items are and how you should probably try to price them. Battleaxe II’s blade appears to represent a bird with a purple gemstone on its stomach. It also has a line streak in the middle of the blade. Deathshard is a godly knife that is obtainable by unboxing it from Knife Box 1 or through trading. On supreme value. Luger. It is mainly purple, with icy blue highlights on the cylinder, and a silver trigger and highlight going into. SHERIFF: Work with the Innocents; you are the only one with a weapon who. Values . Spectral is a legendary gun that was originally obtainable by unboxing it from the Halloween Box during the 2021 Halloween Event. Supreme values dropped. Spider is a godly knife that was originally obtainable by completing all the Bingo Challenges during the 2015 Halloween Event. . The barrel also has two red stripes. SharkSeeker is a unique gun that is obtainable by redeeming the promotional code that comes with the Shark Seeker Nerf blaster. Murder Mystery 2's Official Value List. Tides is a godly knife that is obtainable by unboxing it from Knife Box 5 or through trading. The handle has a red grip on the underside. 1 x (T1) Uncommon. Aestheticflxwer12 · 2/25/2021. The whole knife is bright blue in color like the sea. Value, also known as rarity or tiers, is the classification of weapons based on how rare they are to obtain. com) that lists the values of Murder Mystery 2 (MM2) items! We have always strived to relay accurate, up-to-date values for Murder Mystery 2 items, and that has been the biggest part of our reputation for over two years now! [ ADV ] Welcome to the MM2Values Trade Checker. It is now only obtainable through trading as the event has since ended. This list helps players to know the exact value of their items so they can trade more efficiently and make more profit. Watch the quick tutorial video linked below if you are a first time user, to see how everything works! Not sure how to check a trade? Watch this video! Click here The official Discord of mm2values. . This Discord server is a Roblox-oriented server based around our website (supremevaluelist. The muzzle of the. There are also some rare pets in MM2 that we will cover in this article. Pass. Hallowscythe is an ancient knife that was originally obtainable by purchasing the 30th tier in the Main Event for 80,000 Candies during the 2020 Halloween Event. - Screenshots will not be tolerated as any sort of proof nor will it be looked over. Box of Ultra Wrap. Assassin Value List Pet Sim X Value List. On this knife, there is no guard, instead it has this blackish grey tape surrounding the bottom part being its 'handle', as it resembles a dagger with a clear light. Value - x4 T1 Legendaries Stability - Stable Demand - 3 Rarity - 2 Origin - Crafting Obtained - Crafting/TradingAltogether, while mm2 is “official” and “the first”, Supreme inarguably had a better value system, as of now. Some weapons are tradable, but some are only achieved as rewards for topping on the leaderboards. mm2 value is cheat cause copying and late of update. It can probably get any chroma knife + adda or chroma shark + adds.